Sunday, August 31, 2008

RCIA weekend 成人慕道周末

On the National Day holiday weekend, I was in Port Dickson attending the four-language* RCIA facilitators retreat organised by the Archdiocesean Catechetical Commission

I was given the task to conduct the Mandarin session for the 15 Mandarin-speaking facilitators from four parishes. The theme of the retreat was " Journeying through the rites of RCIA" based on the church document [ The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults ]. The main objective of the retreat was to lead the participants on a spiritually journey through the rites to re-discover the vision of the RCIA, and come to a greater awareness and appreciation of the rites of the RCIA.

It was a good retreat for my small group. A lot of sharing and interaction, warm and friendly.


我被奉派负责带动华文组的工作。总共有十五位来自四个堂区的华语推动员参加这次的退省。这次的退省主题为“走过成人慕道的 礼仪”,以教会的文件【成人慕道礼仪】为主要参考。退省的主要目的是带领参加者透过成人慕道礼仪,走一趟灵修旅程,重新体现成人慕道的愿景(vision),提高他们对成人慕道礼仪的了解及鉴赏。




不像是避静,倒好像是选美 !

RCIA weekend 成人慕道周末

On the National Day holiday weekend, I was in Port Dickson attending the four-language* RCIA facilitators retreat organised by the Archdiocesean Catechetical Commission

I was given the task to conduct the Mandarin session for the 15 Mandarin-speaking facilitators from four parishes. The theme of the retreat was " Journeying through the rites of RCIA" based on the church document [ The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults ]. The main objective of the retreat was to lead the participants on a spiritually journey through the rites to re-discover the vision of the RCIA, and come to a greater awareness and appreciation of the rites of the RCIA.

It was a good retreat for my small group. A lot of sharing and interaction, warm and friendly.


我被奉派负责带动华文组的工作。总共有十五位来自四个堂区的华语推动员参加这次的退省。这次的退省主题为“走过成人慕道的 礼仪”,以教会的文件【成人慕道礼仪】为主要参考。退省的主要目的是带领参加者透过成人慕道礼仪,走一趟灵修旅程,重新体现成人慕道的愿景(vision),提高他们对成人慕道礼仪的了解及鉴赏。




不像是避静,倒好像是选美 !

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Merdeka ! 51st Anniversary

A Happy 51st Birthday to Malaysia. May God bless our country for peace, harmony and unity.

Today is also my eldest daughter Adeline's birthday. Happy Birthday to Adeline. God bless you. May you succeed in all your undertakings. We love you always.


今天也是我大女儿的生日。祝Adeline (淑迎)生日快乐,天主降福你心想事成,工作顺利。我们永远爱你!

Merdeka ! 51st Anniversary

A Happy 51st Birthday to Malaysia. May God bless our country for peace, harmony and unity.

Today is also my eldest daughter Adeline's birthday. Happy Birthday to Adeline. God bless you. May you succeed in all your undertakings. We love you always.


今天也是我大女儿的生日。祝Adeline (淑迎)生日快乐,天主降福你心想事成,工作顺利。我们永远爱你!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Please read about A Crazy Idea - Dialysis Machine Project.
(click link to read or scroll down to 19 Aug posting)

请阅读有关 一个疯主意 - 洗肾机计划
Please read about A Crazy Idea - Dialysis Machine Project.
(click link to read or scroll down to 19 Aug posting)

请阅读有关 一个疯主意 - 洗肾机计划

Stay awake 要醒悟

"stay awake"..... these two words strike me in today's Gospel reading (Thursday).

Christ is telling us to be on the alert, no one knows when the Son of Man is coming. (Matt 24:42) When the day of the Lord comes, may He find us vigilant and alert.

Right now my mind is not too worry about when Christ is coming. I always remembered Fr. Anthony Chan who taught me Catechism instructions once said: "My prayer is : Lord, if you know that I am going to commit a mortal sin against you tomorrow, please come and take me
away tonight...". I am ready in this sense.

Right now, I am more concern about when my sleepiness is coming... It is late at night, I am still alert and awake..... I am an insomniac. For the past one month or so, I hardly have 3 to 4 hours of sleep, even that is disrupted sleep.

I have sleep difficulty since my twenties. I have problem going to sleep. Sometimes I dread going to bed. I awake in the middle of the night and have difficulty continue to sleep.

I have tried various ways and means to overcome this difficulty but to no avail. Medication, exercise, counting sheep... breathing...... including advices like.. don't think too much, don't stress yourself.... sleep early...... drink milk.... With wide open eyes, tired body, the night is long, just like the watchman waiting for the daybreak. It is painful when you cannot sleep. Only people with sleep difficulty can empathized the pain of an insomniac.

I have chronic insomnia. I am not able to sleep not because I have problems (problems are always there); not because of stress (otherwise I have few hair left); not depressed (I love life); not thinking too much (actually my mind is blank when awake).

I cannot sleep because I cannot sleep! I have come to term with my problem. I have make peace with myself. I do not struggle to sleep no more, I do not count the hour I slept, I just get up and get out (of bed) when I am not able to sleep.

I told myself I do not need 8 hours of sleep like most other people. My routine life would not be disturbed by lacking sleep. Cannot sleep is problem no more!

So far, I am doing fine. I will sleep when sleepiness comes.

And I will follow my Lord when He comes to call me.

“。。。要醒悟” 这是在今天(星期四)福音里,敲动我的一句话。


我现在倒不是很担心耶稣什么时候到来。我常常记住我的要理老师,陈安当神父说的:“我的祈祷是:主,假如你知道我明天会犯大罪,求你今晚就把我带走吧." 所以,我已是在这方面做好了准备。





我失眠因为我不能睡 .... 就是这么简单。我已经接受了这个事实,我有睡眠困难,我也坦然面对。我不在乎我的睡眠时间和睡多久,可以睡就睡,不能睡就起来,离开睡床。




Stay awake 要醒悟

"stay awake"..... these two words strike me in today's Gospel reading (Thursday).

Christ is telling us to be on the alert, no one knows when the Son of Man is coming. (Matt 24:42) When the day of the Lord comes, may He find us vigilant and alert.

Right now my mind is not too worry about when Christ is coming. I always remembered Fr. Anthony Chan who taught me Catechism instructions once said: "My prayer is : Lord, if you know that I am going to commit a mortal sin against you tomorrow, please come and take me
away tonight...". I am ready in this sense.

Right now, I am more concern about when my sleepiness is coming... It is late at night, I am still alert and awake..... I am an insomniac. For the past one month or so, I hardly have 3 to 4 hours of sleep, even that is disrupted sleep.

I have sleep difficulty since my twenties. I have problem going to sleep. Sometimes I dread going to bed. I awake in the middle of the night and have difficulty continue to sleep.

I have tried various ways and means to overcome this difficulty but to no avail. Medication, exercise, counting sheep... breathing...... including advices like.. don't think too much, don't stress yourself.... sleep early...... drink milk.... With wide open eyes, tired body, the night is long, just like the watchman waiting for the daybreak. It is painful when you cannot sleep. Only people with sleep difficulty can empathized the pain of an insomniac.

I have chronic insomnia. I am not able to sleep not because I have problems (problems are always there); not because of stress (otherwise I have few hair left); not depressed (I love life); not thinking too much (actually my mind is blank when awake).

I cannot sleep because I cannot sleep! I have come to term with my problem. I have make peace with myself. I do not struggle to sleep no more, I do not count the hour I slept, I just get up and get out (of bed) when I am not able to sleep.

I told myself I do not need 8 hours of sleep like most other people. My routine life would not be disturbed by lacking sleep. Cannot sleep is problem no more!

So far, I am doing fine. I will sleep when sleepiness comes.

And I will follow my Lord when He comes to call me.

“。。。要醒悟” 这是在今天(星期四)福音里,敲动我的一句话。


我现在倒不是很担心耶稣什么时候到来。我常常记住我的要理老师,陈安当神父说的:“我的祈祷是:主,假如你知道我明天会犯大罪,求你今晚就把我带走吧." 所以,我已是在这方面做好了准备。





我失眠因为我不能睡 .... 就是这么简单。我已经接受了这个事实,我有睡眠困难,我也坦然面对。我不在乎我的睡眠时间和睡多久,可以睡就睡,不能睡就起来,离开睡床。




Tuesday, August 26, 2008

PM bumped 首相屁股开花

The result of Permatang Pauh by-election was not a surprise but the tally surely was beyond expectation.

With a bigger majority win, Anwar, who was charged for Sodomy on 7/8/08 , has given back to Abdullah a heavy bump at his backside.

Abdullah will find it more difficult to sit on his PM chair. The voices of dissent within his own party will re-appear. He has to plot for next move in face of Anwar now in Parliament. It is a new playing field.

He still has his last "killing punch" as he commented after the result of the by-election was announced. He said:" there may be another by-election in Permatang Pauh. Anwar is facing Sodomy charges. If he is found guilty, he will be going to jail.....".

A new chapter of Malaysian history unfolds.

Not PM's backside. Illustration only 不是首相的屁股,示图而已







PM bumped 首相屁股开花

The result of Permatang Pauh by-election was not a surprise but the tally surely was beyond expectation.

With a bigger majority win, Anwar, who was charged for Sodomy on 7/8/08 , has given back to Abdullah a heavy bump at his backside.

Abdullah will find it more difficult to sit on his PM chair. The voices of dissent within his own party will re-appear. He has to plot for next move in face of Anwar now in Parliament. It is a new playing field.

He still has his last "killing punch" as he commented after the result of the by-election was announced. He said:" there may be another by-election in Permatang Pauh. Anwar is facing Sodomy charges. If he is found guilty, he will be going to jail.....".

A new chapter of Malaysian history unfolds.

Not PM's backside. Illustration only 不是首相的屁股,示图而已







Saturday, August 23, 2008

是是非非 (yes no yes )




- 用可兰经发誓。目前好像是非常流行。

- 一位前副部长,公布十五年前,安华性骚扰他的太太。

- 纳吉在回教堂内宣誓(没有可兰经)他不认识被谋杀蒙古女郎阿旦都雅。这和用可兰经发誓同样有效。

- 假如安华成为首相,“猪”将会代替马来人成为副首相及部长。

- 安华说假如他胜利了,将有30 位国阵国会议员跳槽,而成立新政府。他将是全体马来西亚人的首相。

- 国阵候选人阿力夏因本身受过十二年的华校教育,他认为自己是半华人,半马来人,同时也是玛嘛。

- 首相的女婿说,假如安华成为首相,美国将在大山脚建立空军基地,然后以色列会在吉隆坡建立大使馆。。。。

- 每位国阵的“情报员”将领受RM150- RM250的报酬。

- 两位霹雳州的行政议员因受贿而被捕。

- 汽油降价。这谨在首相宣布汽油不会因补选而降价之后的隔天宣布的。

- 华校得到百万元的津贴。马来人团体得到比华社多好多倍的利益。

- 三米维鲁在当了近三十年的国大党领袖之后,在这次补选中才发现到这里一些印度人的生活环境比非洲还要糟。

- 在许多马来乡村里,更多种族扇动性的言论在族群集会里发表。

- 纳吉被爆料他利用兴都教仪式来驱邪。

- 总共有5000名警方人员会在投票日当天执行保安任务。


耶稣说:".....你们总不可发誓,不可指天,因为天是天主的宝座;不可指地,因为地是他的脚凳.....也不可指你的头发誓,因为你不能使一根头发变白或黑,你们的话该当是: “是”就说是,“非”就说非,其他多余的,便是出于邪魔。" (玛5:34-37)

是是非非 (yes no yes )




- 用可兰经发誓。目前好像是非常流行。

- 一位前副部长,公布十五年前,安华性骚扰他的太太。

- 纳吉在回教堂内宣誓(没有可兰经)他不认识被谋杀蒙古女郎阿旦都雅。这和用可兰经发誓同样有效。

- 假如安华成为首相,“猪”将会代替马来人成为副首相及部长。

- 安华说假如他胜利了,将有30 位国阵国会议员跳槽,而成立新政府。他将是全体马来西亚人的首相。

- 国阵候选人阿力夏因本身受过十二年的华校教育,他认为自己是半华人,半马来人,同时也是玛嘛。

- 首相的女婿说,假如安华成为首相,美国将在大山脚建立空军基地,然后以色列会在吉隆坡建立大使馆。。。。

- 每位国阵的“情报员”将领受RM150- RM250的报酬。

- 两位霹雳州的行政议员因受贿而被捕。

- 汽油降价。这谨在首相宣布汽油不会因补选而降价之后的隔天宣布的。

- 华校得到百万元的津贴。马来人团体得到比华社多好多倍的利益。

- 三米维鲁在当了近三十年的国大党领袖之后,在这次补选中才发现到这里一些印度人的生活环境比非洲还要糟。

- 在许多马来乡村里,更多种族扇动性的言论在族群集会里发表。

- 纳吉被爆料他利用兴都教仪式来驱邪。

- 总共有5000名警方人员会在投票日当天执行保安任务。


耶稣说:".....你们总不可发誓,不可指天,因为天是天主的宝座;不可指地,因为地是他的脚凳.....也不可指你的头发誓,因为你不能使一根头发变白或黑,你们的话该当是: “是”就说是,“非”就说非,其他多余的,便是出于邪魔。" (玛5:34-37)

yes no yes

The Permatang Pauh by-election promised to be the most bruising, dramtic, dirtiest, costliest and important election of the Malaysian history.

The tactics and strategies used so far are centering on character assasination. It is a contest of survival, be it between Anwar and Najib or Anwar verses the Abdullah government.

So far, words said, things done inside and outside the constituency becuase of the by-election: -

-Swearing on Quran is THE happening thing to do now.

-A former deputy minister claimed that Anwar has harrassed his wife fifteen years ago

-Najib sweared inside the mosque that he has not met Altuntuya. It is as good as swearing on Quran

-If Anwar becomes PM, "pigs" will replace Malays to be the deputy PM and ministers.

-Anwar said if he wins, 30 Barisan MPs will cross over and he will be a PM for all Malaysians.

-Arif Shah, the BN candidates said he has a Chinese heart (12 years of Chinese education). He considered
himself half Chinese half Malay, and also a Mamak.

-PM's son in law said that if Anwar becomes PM, US will open an airbase in Butterworth....later Israel will set up embassy inKL....

-Each BN "spy" is paid between RM150-RM250.

-Two Perak State Assemblyman were arrested for taking bribe.

-Petrol prices went down, one day after Abdullah said prices will not go down just for the election.

-Chinese schools and temples received more than million Ringgit windfall from Federal and state government. The Malay community sure to get many times more than the Chinese.

-Samy Vellu just discovered (after almost thirty years as MIC President) some Indians' living
condition in Permatang Pauh worse than in Africa.

-Many racial inciting speeches were said in Kampongs to the closed audience.

-Najib practises Hindu rites to ward off evil.

- Total of 5000 Police personnel will be deployed on polling day.

Who to believe? what to believe?

JESUS said:...Do not swear by your own head either, since you cannot turn a single hair into white or black. All you need say is "yes" means yes, "No" means no; anything more than this comes from the evil one. " (Matt 5:37)

yes no yes

The Permatang Pauh by-election promised to be the most bruising, dramtic, dirtiest, costliest and important election of the Malaysian history.

The tactics and strategies used so far are centering on character assasination. It is a contest of survival, be it between Anwar and Najib or Anwar verses the Abdullah government.

So far, words said, things done inside and outside the constituency becuase of the by-election: -

-Swearing on Quran is THE happening thing to do now.

-A former deputy minister claimed that Anwar has harrassed his wife fifteen years ago

-Najib sweared inside the mosque that he has not met Altuntuya. It is as good as swearing on Quran

-If Anwar becomes PM, "pigs" will replace Malays to be the deputy PM and ministers.

-Anwar said if he wins, 30 Barisan MPs will cross over and he will be a PM for all Malaysians.

-Arif Shah, the BN candidates said he has a Chinese heart (12 years of Chinese education). He considered
himself half Chinese half Malay, and also a Mamak.

-PM's son in law said that if Anwar becomes PM, US will open an airbase in Butterworth....later Israel will set up embassy inKL....

-Each BN "spy" is paid between RM150-RM250.

-Two Perak State Assemblyman were arrested for taking bribe.

-Petrol prices went down, one day after Abdullah said prices will not go down just for the election.

-Chinese schools and temples received more than million Ringgit windfall from Federal and state government. The Malay community sure to get many times more than the Chinese.

-Samy Vellu just discovered (after almost thirty years as MIC President) some Indians' living
condition in Permatang Pauh worse than in Africa.

-Many racial inciting speeches were said in Kampongs to the closed audience.

-Najib practises Hindu rites to ward off evil.

- Total of 5000 Police personnel will be deployed on polling day.

Who to believe? what to believe?

JESUS said:...Do not swear by your own head either, since you cannot turn a single hair into white or black. All you need say is "yes" means yes, "No" means no; anything more than this comes from the evil one. " (Matt 5:37)

又一个邀请 another invitation

Today we attended a buffet wedding lunch of Roy and Maria. Roy comes from Portuguese and Punjabi parentage.

It was a grand celebration at their house with plenty of music and Bangla dances. I was told the celebrations started three days ago and more that 2000 guests are expected to attend today's lunch reception from 1:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

Earlier, the wedding Mass was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family, Kajang at 11:00 am.

Bride and Groom danced to the Bangla music

今天我们参加了一个教友的结婚自由午餐。 新郎 Roy 是葡萄牙及锡克族混血。



又一个邀请 another invitation

Today we attended a buffet wedding lunch of Roy and Maria. Roy comes from Portuguese and Punjabi parentage.

It was a grand celebration at their house with plenty of music and Bangla dances. I was told the celebrations started three days ago and more that 2000 guests are expected to attend today's lunch reception from 1:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

Earlier, the wedding Mass was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family, Kajang at 11:00 am.

Bride and Groom danced to the Bangla music

今天我们参加了一个教友的结婚自由午餐。 新郎 Roy 是葡萄牙及锡克族混血。



Thursday, August 21, 2008

PM took a train 首相乘火车

It was splashed across major newspapers a picture of our Prime Minister taking a KTM commuter train. He took the train yesterday at 8:15 am from Serdang station to the Sentral then changed to LRT to Masjid Jamek. He was not pleased with the ride. He was not satisfied and wanted immediate improvements to be made.

He said the existing services were not systematic, there were not enough coaches and coverage was not comprehensive, leaving many areas not serviced. (The lamentations of people since day one of the commencement of services many years ago were not heard by him ?! *x%?#)

He saw people jostling to get on board every time a train arrived. There appeared to be no system. He noted the train was overcrowded.

Anyway, he has set a good example for other government officials by "turun padang" (going down to the field) to see the plight and hardship of people. Luckily the KTM train did not breakdown as it was the common occurrence to many passengers.

Can changes come? God knows. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad took a train ride a few months ago and expressed the same sentiments. Nothing happened till today. Are they just doing publicity stance? (headline news?)

I hoped more officials can move their fat asses out out their fat office chairs more often, to see for themselves the plight of ordinary citizens.


他说这系统涵盖地区不够广泛,许多地区没得到这项服务的连接,而且投入服务的车厢也不足够。整个马来亚铁道局的电动火车和轻快铁的系统非常的差劲。(打从这系统投入服务的第一天,人民已经怨声载道,难道他没有听到过吗!??? 真的是 #%*#%  )



从今后,这服务会不会有改善?天知道吧!数月前,国内商务及消费部长沙里尔也曾乘火车上班,也是发出同样的评语,但到今天,没看到任何改变。这是不是都是公关的伎俩? (头条新闻??)


PM took a train 首相乘火车

It was splashed across major newspapers a picture of our Prime Minister taking a KTM commuter train. He took the train yesterday at 8:15 am from Serdang station to the Sentral then changed to LRT to Masjid Jamek. He was not pleased with the ride. He was not satisfied and wanted immediate improvements to be made.

He said the existing services were not systematic, there were not enough coaches and coverage was not comprehensive, leaving many areas not serviced. (The lamentations of people since day one of the commencement of services many years ago were not heard by him ?! *x%?#)

He saw people jostling to get on board every time a train arrived. There appeared to be no system. He noted the train was overcrowded.

Anyway, he has set a good example for other government officials by "turun padang" (going down to the field) to see the plight and hardship of people. Luckily the KTM train did not breakdown as it was the common occurrence to many passengers.

Can changes come? God knows. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad took a train ride a few months ago and expressed the same sentiments. Nothing happened till today. Are they just doing publicity stance? (headline news?)

I hoped more officials can move their fat asses out out their fat office chairs more often, to see for themselves the plight of ordinary citizens.


他说这系统涵盖地区不够广泛,许多地区没得到这项服务的连接,而且投入服务的车厢也不足够。整个马来亚铁道局的电动火车和轻快铁的系统非常的差劲。(打从这系统投入服务的第一天,人民已经怨声载道,难道他没有听到过吗!??? 真的是 #%*#%  )



从今后,这服务会不会有改善?天知道吧!数月前,国内商务及消费部长沙里尔也曾乘火车上班,也是发出同样的评语,但到今天,没看到任何改变。这是不是都是公关的伎俩? (头条新闻??)


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Guidelines 指南

Dialysis Machine Project - GUIDELINES

1. This is a private project. No soliciting from member of public.

2. The name of donors and amount donated is private and confidential. It will not be revealed to non-donors except on item (4). You may donate anonymously.

3. Two of the donors will be appointed as auditors to scrutinise and verify all donations.

4. The name of donors, contact no, email and amount donated will be given to the auditors for auditing purpose.

5. A full list of donors and amount received will be forwarded to all donors when the targeted amount is achieved.

6. The same list will be given to the recipient dialysis center at the handing over of donations.

7. This is an act of charity. Each donor contributed according to his/her financial ability. All are equal. it is the spirit of participation and love that matters.

8. By donating into this project, you agreed to the guidelines above. You are to participate freely and voluntarily according to your means. I or/and no one shall be responsible for any inconvenience, time and financial loses or any legal implications out of your paritcipation.

9. Donors are allowed to withdraw their donation at any time for any reason. I, Simon Phun, who initiated this project, would honour to return the amount donated. However, the request must be made before the handing over to the recipient.

10. God bless us all.

You may follow the progress Counter at the top right of the Blog.

洗肾机计划 - 指南

1. 这是私人计划,不能向公众募捐。

2. 乐捐者的姓名、联络电话及捐款数额,将会保密,不会向外人透露,除了第四项例外。乐捐者可用匿名方式捐款。

3. 两位乐捐者将被委任为稽查员,查阅捐款。

4. 乐捐者的姓名、联络电话、电邮及捐款额数,将会提供给稽查员,为查账之用。

5. 一份乐捐者的完整名单,在义款收足后,分发给每位乐捐者。



8. 你的乐捐,表示你接受这份指南,你是绝对自愿的参与。我及任何人都对你的参与将引发的任何不便,时间及金钱上的损失,或法律的牵涉,一概不需负起任何责任。

9. 乐捐者在任何时候,任何理由之下,可以索回所捐的款额。我,潘西满,作为此计划的发起人,保证会退还你的捐款。不过这要求必须在移交给受益单位之前提出。

10. 天主保佑大家。


Guidelines 指南

Dialysis Machine Project - GUIDELINES

1. This is a private project. No soliciting from member of public.

2. The name of donors and amount donated is private and confidential. It will not be revealed to non-donors except on item (4). You may donate anonymously.

3. Two of the donors will be appointed as auditors to scrutinise and verify all donations.

4. The name of donors, contact no, email and amount donated will be given to the auditors for auditing purpose.

5. A full list of donors and amount received will be forwarded to all donors when the targeted amount is achieved.

6. The same list will be given to the recipient dialysis center at the handing over of donations.

7. This is an act of charity. Each donor contributed according to his/her financial ability. All are equal. it is the spirit of participation and love that matters.

8. By donating into this project, you agreed to the guidelines above. You are to participate freely and voluntarily according to your means. I or/and no one shall be responsible for any inconvenience, time and financial loses or any legal implications out of your paritcipation.

9. Donors are allowed to withdraw their donation at any time for any reason. I, Simon Phun, who initiated this project, would honour to return the amount donated. However, the request must be made before the handing over to the recipient.

10. God bless us all.

You may follow the progress Counter at the top right of the Blog.

洗肾机计划 - 指南

1. 这是私人计划,不能向公众募捐。

2. 乐捐者的姓名、联络电话及捐款数额,将会保密,不会向外人透露,除了第四项例外。乐捐者可用匿名方式捐款。

3. 两位乐捐者将被委任为稽查员,查阅捐款。

4. 乐捐者的姓名、联络电话、电邮及捐款额数,将会提供给稽查员,为查账之用。

5. 一份乐捐者的完整名单,在义款收足后,分发给每位乐捐者。



8. 你的乐捐,表示你接受这份指南,你是绝对自愿的参与。我及任何人都对你的参与将引发的任何不便,时间及金钱上的损失,或法律的牵涉,一概不需负起任何责任。

9. 乐捐者在任何时候,任何理由之下,可以索回所捐的款额。我,潘西满,作为此计划的发起人,保证会退还你的捐款。不过这要求必须在移交给受益单位之前提出。

10. 天主保佑大家。


Two so-gao 两只傻狗

Our two "so gao".

Lola (left), the durian-eating dog, and Tina, the sneaky queen (always sneak out whenever the gate is open) having a good time watching people and cars passing by the gate. This is their evening pass time.



Two so-gao 两只傻狗

Our two "so gao".

Lola (left), the durian-eating dog, and Tina, the sneaky queen (always sneak out whenever the gate is open) having a good time watching people and cars passing by the gate. This is their evening pass time.



Leaving the nest 离巢

Leaving the nest, not Beijing Olympic stadium The Nest, it is home sweet home nest.

Lai, Elizabeth's classmate, is leaving on Friday 22-8-08 for a posting in Beijing. My wife prepared a home-cooked dinner with her favourate lotus root soup and rendang as a farewell dinner.

Wishing her a fruitful posting to Beijing. From nest to Nest. Bon voyage.


小女儿的同学,赖,将在星期五 22-8-08,前往北京工作。我的太太特别准备了晚餐给她送行。晚餐有她最喜欢的菜肴 - 莲藕汤及 rendang.


Leaving the nest 离巢

Leaving the nest, not Beijing Olympic stadium The Nest, it is home sweet home nest.

Lai, Elizabeth's classmate, is leaving on Friday 22-8-08 for a posting in Beijing. My wife prepared a home-cooked dinner with her favourate lotus root soup and rendang as a farewell dinner.

Wishing her a fruitful posting to Beijing. From nest to Nest. Bon voyage.


小女儿的同学,赖,将在星期五 22-8-08,前往北京工作。我的太太特别准备了晚餐给她送行。晚餐有她最喜欢的菜肴 - 莲藕汤及 rendang.


Monday, August 18, 2008

A crazy idea 一个疯主意

Of all the illnesses, I considered kidney failures as one of the most suffering ones. End stage Renal failure patients need to go for regular dialysis treatments. I have many such friends and I know what are their sufferings.

Besides government hospitals, there are many dialysis treatment centers set up by charity organisations in our country catered for lower income and poor patients. However, I have seen many well to do patients also taking advantage of the subsidized treatment provided by such centers. Many of them owned commercial properties and fat in their bank accounts.

I came to know the MAA-MEDI Care Kidney Charity Fund some years ago and received their letter of appeal for fund yearly. In one of the appeal leaflets this year, I noticed a compay have donated RM42,500.00 for a dialysis machine (seven years life span). The price of dialysis machine has gone up by 20% recently.

All the while, I thought a dialysis machine costs very much more than this amount. A machine can help many people.

Can we help? We means you (my friends) and I. Can we raise RM 50,000.00 to purchase a machine for the center, not necessary MAA but others....

Can we in our small way, combine our effort to do a Big Good? Let us make it a Christmas present to the suffering people! (Handing over before Christmas)

My dear friends who visit my Blog, would you like to join in? If yes, please send an email to me at for your contribution. We will discuss the details through Email.

Targeted donors:

RM 100.00 (100 persons)
RM1000.00 (10 persons)
RM3000.00 (5 persons)
RM5000.00 (3 persons)
The above is for estimation only. Any amount is welcomed.

This is my 'crazy idea'. You are not obliged to response.



好多年前我就接触到 MAA-MEDI Care 洗肾中心,也收到他们每年寄出的捐款呼吁信函。在今年的呼吁信函中,我看到一家私人公司捐助马币四万二千五百元给这中心,以购买一台洗肾机 (机器寿命七年)。


我们能不能够也来帮助呢?我说的我们 就是你(我的朋友)和我!我们能够筹到五万元 (RM50,000.00) 来捐给这中心购买一台洗肾机吗?或者不一定这中心,可以给其他中心。。。


我的部落格的朋友们,你们愿意加入吗?假如愿意,请发一封电邮给我(, 再谈其他详情。


RM100.00 (100 人)
RM1000.00 (10 人)
RM3000.00 (5 人)
RM5000.00 (3人)


A crazy idea 一个疯主意

Of all the illnesses, I considered kidney failures as one of the most suffering ones. End stage Renal failure patients need to go for regular dialysis treatments. I have many such friends and I know what are their sufferings.

Besides government hospitals, there are many dialysis treatment centers set up by charity organisations in our country catered for lower income and poor patients. However, I have seen many well to do patients also taking advantage of the subsidized treatment provided by such centers. Many of them owned commercial properties and fat in their bank accounts.

I came to know the MAA-MEDI Care Kidney Charity Fund some years ago and received their letter of appeal for fund yearly. In one of the appeal leaflets this year, I noticed a compay have donated RM42,500.00 for a dialysis machine (seven years life span). The price of dialysis machine has gone up by 20% recently.

All the while, I thought a dialysis machine costs very much more than this amount. A machine can help many people.

Can we help? We means you (my friends) and I. Can we raise RM 50,000.00 to purchase a machine for the center, not necessary MAA but others....

Can we in our small way, combine our effort to do a Big Good? Let us make it a Christmas present to the suffering people! (Handing over before Christmas)

My dear friends who visit my Blog, would you like to join in? If yes, please send an email to me at for your contribution. We will discuss the details through Email.

Targeted donors:

RM 100.00 (100 persons)
RM1000.00 (10 persons)
RM3000.00 (5 persons)
RM5000.00 (3 persons)
The above is for estimation only. Any amount is welcomed.

This is my 'crazy idea'. You are not obliged to response.



好多年前我就接触到 MAA-MEDI Care 洗肾中心,也收到他们每年寄出的捐款呼吁信函。在今年的呼吁信函中,我看到一家私人公司捐助马币四万二千五百元给这中心,以购买一台洗肾机 (机器寿命七年)。


我们能不能够也来帮助呢?我说的我们 就是你(我的朋友)和我!我们能够筹到五万元 (RM50,000.00) 来捐给这中心购买一台洗肾机吗?或者不一定这中心,可以给其他中心。。。


我的部落格的朋友们,你们愿意加入吗?假如愿意,请发一封电邮给我(, 再谈其他详情。


RM100.00 (100 人)
RM1000.00 (10 人)
RM3000.00 (5 人)
RM5000.00 (3人)


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Neighbourhood wedding 邻里有喜

Mohd Salleh, (right) our neighbour few doors away, has many sons. Today, his fifth son got married. We attended the lunch reception. Many other nieghbours were there too.

Mohd Salleh沙烈 (右)是我们的邻里,他有很多个孩子。今天他的第五儿子结婚,我们参加了午餐招待。许多老邻居也到会。

Asman (standing 站立)&
Prof. Dato' Mohd Shariff

We are neighbour for more than 20 years. Dato' and Encik alike, all are simple and friendly people.

Neighbourhood wedding 邻里有喜

Mohd Salleh, (right) our neighbour few doors away, has many sons. Today, his fifth son got married. We attended the lunch reception. Many other nieghbours were there too.

Mohd Salleh沙烈 (右)是我们的邻里,他有很多个孩子。今天他的第五儿子结婚,我们参加了午餐招待。许多老邻居也到会。

Asman (standing 站立)&
Prof. Dato' Mohd Shariff

We are neighbour for more than 20 years. Dato' and Encik alike, all are simple and friendly people.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Swearing and Sodomy 发誓和肛交

"We don't have this practice in Islam. It is the Christians who swear on the bible," said PAS President Abdul Hadi during a press conference in Ipoh.

Abdul Hadi was refering to Saiful's swearing with a Quran in hand at the Federal Territory Mosque that he was sodomised by his former boss Anwar Ibrahim.

I am a Christian (Catholic), I do not swear on my Bible (The Words). If he is referring to the practice in courts, that is a legal procedure, not Christian practice. If Muslims want to swear on their Quran, it is their own business, nothing to do with Christians and should not be mentioned at all.

God's second Commandment - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Anwar was charged for having consensual unnatural sex with his former aide Saiful based on the sodomy report lodged by Saiful.

Two days ago, Saiful sweared on Quran at a FT mosque that he was sodomized by Anwar.

OOiii... braaathurs, what happened actually? Police acted on your report and charged Anwar your boss for consensual carnal sex, now you said your big brother sodomized you?

Police pun kepala pening le....(Police also headache le...)。 Amend the charges? jatuh muka tau (loose face...)!

May be we can find the answer at the Permatang Pauh by-eletion !









Swearing and Sodomy 发誓和肛交

"We don't have this practice in Islam. It is the Christians who swear on the bible," said PAS President Abdul Hadi during a press conference in Ipoh.

Abdul Hadi was refering to Saiful's swearing with a Quran in hand at the Federal Territory Mosque that he was sodomised by his former boss Anwar Ibrahim.

I am a Christian (Catholic), I do not swear on my Bible (The Words). If he is referring to the practice in courts, that is a legal procedure, not Christian practice. If Muslims want to swear on their Quran, it is their own business, nothing to do with Christians and should not be mentioned at all.

God's second Commandment - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Anwar was charged for having consensual unnatural sex with his former aide Saiful based on the sodomy report lodged by Saiful.

Two days ago, Saiful sweared on Quran at a FT mosque that he was sodomized by Anwar.

OOiii... braaathurs, what happened actually? Police acted on your report and charged Anwar your boss for consensual carnal sex, now you said your big brother sodomized you?

Police pun kepala pening le....(Police also headache le...)。 Amend the charges? jatuh muka tau (loose face...)!

May be we can find the answer at the Permatang Pauh by-eletion !









Friday, August 15, 2008

Keep for yourself

Few days ago, Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim proposed that UiTM (University ITM)* allocate 10% places to non-Bumiputera and foreign students to allow UiTM students to gain more exposure and be friendlier to people of other races. His proposal was met with strong opposition from many quarters. The loudest came from about 3000 Uitm students who held a protest march to his office in Shah Alam to hand him a memorandum.

More students from other branch campuses had staged similar rallies over the past few days.

Politicians, students alike, they protested because they said UiTM strictly for Malay only. It is part of the Malay education Rights.

The issue is not new. According to Ong Tee Keat, the Transport Minister, the Cabinet has agreed to open up 10% of the UiTM Form Six classes (pre-U) to non-Bumi students many years ago (he was then a Deputy Minister of Higher Education). The same issue has been raised many times before, no protest, no shouting then...

Why the fuss over a proposal now? Nowadays, every turn of event is curried with political flavour if not politically motivated.

May I tell those students who are good in climbing coconut trees (their world is just as high and as big as they can see on top of the coconut trees), non-Bumi students are not keen to join this so called "exclusive university" simply they do not like the unfriendly environment and to be in an Institution of Racial Discrimination. But more importantly, UiTM? what? I beg your pardon!

They can keep and lock up their campuses to themselves and continue to produce more first class closed minded " kampong graduates "!!

They feel secure in their own cocoon.

Well, Permatang Pauh by-election is on going, more protest will be staged and Malay rights issues will surface.

To my friends in Permatang Pauh, even you have a Mandarin-Hokkien-speaking "kaki-lang" (own people) BN nominee, Bumi and Non-Bumi matters !

*UiTM - University Institute Technology MARA.

Keep for yourself

Few days ago, Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim proposed that UiTM (University ITM)* allocate 10% places to non-Bumiputera and foreign students to allow UiTM students to gain more exposure and be friendlier to people of other races. His proposal was met with strong opposition from many quarters. The loudest came from about 3000 Uitm students who held a protest march to his office in Shah Alam to hand him a memorandum.

More students from other branch campuses had staged similar rallies over the past few days.

Politicians, students alike, they protested because they said UiTM strictly for Malay only. It is part of the Malay education Rights.

The issue is not new. According to Ong Tee Keat, the Transport Minister, the Cabinet has agreed to open up 10% of the UiTM Form Six classes (pre-U) to non-Bumi students many years ago (he was then a Deputy Minister of Higher Education). The same issue has been raised many times before, no protest, no shouting then...

Why the fuss over a proposal now? Nowadays, every turn of event is curried with political flavour if not politically motivated.

May I tell those students who are good in climbing coconut trees (their world is just as high and as big as they can see on top of the coconut trees), non-Bumi students are not keen to join this so called "exclusive university" simply they do not like the unfriendly environment and to be in an Institution of Racial Discrimination. But more importantly, UiTM? what? I beg your pardon!

They can keep and lock up their campuses to themselves and continue to produce more first class closed minded " kampong graduates "!!

They feel secure in their own cocoon.

Well, Permatang Pauh by-election is on going, more protest will be staged and Malay rights issues will surface.

To my friends in Permatang Pauh, even you have a Mandarin-Hokkien-speaking "kaki-lang" (own people) BN nominee, Bumi and Non-Bumi matters !

*UiTM - University Institute Technology MARA.

Coconut eating dog 爱吃椰子的狗

Missy is an 8 years old Beagle. She is active, playful and also a glutton. She likes to eat coconut and has a special way to eat(scrap) it.

Missy 是我家八岁的雌狗。她好动,好玩,也非常贪吃。


Video on Missy 吃椰子录影

Coconut eating dog 爱吃椰子的狗

Missy is an 8 years old Beagle. She is active, playful and also a glutton. She likes to eat coconut and has a special way to eat(scrap) it.

Missy 是我家八岁的雌狗。她好动,好玩,也非常贪吃。


Video on Missy 吃椰子录影

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Parental love 父母心

Exactly one month before Elizabeth leaves for Scotland, we got her a new toy today.... oops... actually a new tool - an Apple Notebook. She needs this higher end computer for her study which involves graphic and design.

This is parents' "Heart Blood" (means tender love and hard earned money in Chinese). We wished her well and will benefit from this powerful tool and doing best in her studies.

And she is very happy - from her smile.... you know !

Video - Unwrapping the TOOL录影

今天,刚好还有一个月的时间,小女儿就要飞往苏格兰了。我们给了她一件新玩具。。。哦哦。。是新工具 --- 一台苹果手提电脑。她需要一部较高档的电脑,因为她的课程会有很多的图像和绘测。

