Elizabeth saw the pictures taken in
Sandakan in my
Facebook site and commented " a little bulge in stomach..". The trip to
Sandakan was indeed a fruitful one, including bulge in the dummy.

On our arrival in
Sandakan, we were warmly received by Jerome and his wife Grace (pic right). We were grateful to Paul Chin for taking leave to be our guide and driver; Peter Lee and wife Susan, fellow legionaries Mary Yap, Monica
Loh, Natalie Wong and many others for their company and warm friendship. We are happy also to have the company of Rev. Fr. Paul
Loh for the trip to see Proboscis monkey.
We are blessed to be able to attend the monthly meeting of the Star of
Evangelisation Curia on the night of our arrival. There were five Chinese, one English and five
Bahasa Malaysia (BM)
Praesidia attached to the Curia. However, since a BM Curia was formed about two weeks ago, the five BM
praesidia would break off from the Chinese Curia next month. I was touched by the cooperation and harmonious relationship among the language groups.
Despite of his busy pastoral duties, Curia Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Paul
Loh was present at the meeting. His
allocutio was based on the Handbook which I found to be refreshing and motivating.
What to see and what to eat in
Sandakan is a beautiful seaport city with beautiful coastline and green surrounding. The pace of life is slow and relax. The world renown
Sipilok Orang Hutan Rehabilitation Sanctuary and
Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary (left pic ) are two places that put
Sandakan in the world map of wildlife conservation. There are many other places of interest and islands to visit if time permits.
The seafood in
Sandakan is the best in Malaysia in term of freshness and pricing. There are many other authentic local food to whet your appetite too. The local flavour fish+
Bak kut Teh is a specialty you cannot get it anywhere else.
The Madras Tea (or coffee) in one of the
Mamak restaurant is really really smooth and good.
The Ninth Chinese-speaking Annual Legion Fellowship was held in
Sandakan in year 2000. I took this opportunity to visit some of the venue facilities to reminisce the good time we have in 2000.
The Fifth Young Legionary Fellowship 2010 will be held in
Sandakan. I am sure the delegates will find
Sandakan a lovely place and the fellowship a fruitful and memorable one. (see more pictures below).
panoramic view of
Facebook 看了山打根的照片后,第一个告诉我“有肚腩了”。这次山打根和亚庇一游,收获良多,肚腩尺码加大,也可算是收获之一。

Sipilok 人猿保护区(左图),每天在喂食的时间,都能够看到好多人猿(
Orang Hutan)。在离开市区约一个小时的车程,我们也看到闻名的长鼻喉(上右图)。全世界只有在婆罗洲才有这种猿猴的存在。当然还有美丽的小岛和很多美丽的自然奇观和景点。