Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Great Love 忠贞不渝

I (...) take you (...) to be my wife/husband, I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.

This is the Catholic wedding vow. This is a solemn promise, pledge, swear made in front of God.

I know a couple who really live out their vow
"for better, for worse...... in sickness and in health".

KC (non-Christian) was then a lively, humorous and happy young man in the late thirties. I got to know him about seven years ago.... on a
hospital bed in ICU at Sunway Medical Center. He was paralysed by a ruptured tumor in the brain. He was unable to talk or move, unable to breath on his own. He survived by being hooked on to a respirator through an opening at his throat. His family brought him fr
om his hometown Kuching, hopeful of getting better medical treatment at Sunway Medical Center.. Accompanied him was his wife, YL.. She stayed by his bedside throughout the day and night, wiping and cleaning him whenever was necessary.

I was informed by a friend in Kuching of KC's admission to Sunway Meidcal Center,and requested us to visit them and offer assistance if necessary. My wife and I visited them many times. He was able to response by moving his mouth and communicating with the assistance of his wife.

After one month,
when his condition stabilized, the family moved him back to Kuching. He was still not able to move nor breath on his own and needed 24-hour care. We promised to visit him in Kuching when he got better.

Five years passed
and in March 2007, my wife and I visited him at home in Kuching. His condition has improved very much although he was still unable to mov
e and required oxygen at night but was able to talk through the throat opening. He was jovial, humorous and lived life zestfully. We also witnessed the loving and tender care of his wife towards him. He was very happy of our visit and hoped that we can come to visit him again.

Three weeks ago, I received a call from YL informing me that KC has been admitted to ICU in Normah Hospital Kuching. He was diagnosed with lung cancer. His condition was critical. It was a lightning shock to the family and us as well. I wanted to visit him immediately but was tied down with other commitments. On Friday, 17 May 2008, I made a day trip to Kuching to visit him in the hospital. He was weak, sunken but manged to smile to acknowledge my presence. He made sure his brothers took me for lunch and keep me co

His caring wife was there by his bedside from dawn to dusk to take care of him everyday. His sister and brothers were always there too. It was very different from the last time we met. His voice (through the throat opening) was hardly audible. He slept most of the time. I was unable to talk to him much except holding his hands and prayed silently for God's mercy. He is suffering, his wife is suffering, his sister and brothers are suffering too. But they steadfastly taking care and loving him as always be.

When I bid him goodbye at the end of the day, I was very sad
as I knew that this could be our last goodbye. I held his hand and touched his face.....for a long long time. It was a sad goodbye. May God blessed you and your family with peace and mercy.

Throughout the years, his wife faithfully and silently stood by him, giving him 24 hours care and company. The other members of the family and relatives also provided their care and support.I could feel the tremendous love when I was with them.

are unique and special people. They lived out their ordinary lives in an extraordinary way. They lived out the most wonderful love of humanity. They are our inspiration.

I could only hold his hand, pray silently...


KC当时是一个三十多岁的年轻人,活泼,幽默及好动。我第一次见到他时,是在双威医药中心(Sunway Medical Centre) 的深切护理病床上。他是因突发的脑肿瘤破裂,而整个身体瘫痪,不能说话,全身不能移动。他不能够自己呼吸,需要靠在喉咙处开个洞,藉着机器的帮助,才能够呼吸。



一个月后,他的情况稳定了,家人决定把他带回古晋的Normah Hospital继续接受治疗。我们也承诺在他的病情进步时,会过去探访他。






在傍晚,是我要离开的时候了。当我向他道别的时候,我知道这可能是我们最后一次的相聚和告别了。 我默默的握住他的手。。。。很久很久。。。。我是充满伤感。这是一个悲伤的告别,我只能祈求天主,祝福他及家人,平安及毅力。



  1. I have still a lot to learn from YL and KC and their families of their untiring love and tender care of KC. It is easier to preach than to do but this is one big family that I admire and I wish I can emulate even if it is only a fraction of what they have done. I wish YL and family members abundance grace from God, Who knows best.

  2. My highest respect to them.
