Sunday, June 8, 2008

ACLAC 华文教务促进会

It was a very tiring but joyful weekend.

I have attended the 15th Anniversary and General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocesan Chinese Language Apostolate Commission (ACLAC), from 8:00 am Saturday to 3:30 pm Sunday, 7-6-2008, and its election of new Committee (2008-2010).

I have very little sleep because busy chatting with delegates and friends till the early hours of the morning.

I was there assisting Sr. Theresa Chew for the spiritual input sessions on the first day of the meeting. We talked about the Gospel teaching of Christ, the spirituality and service of the leaders and looking at the role and position of ACLAC in the local church in the context of evangelisation and community building.

Sr. Theresa also highlighted the importance of functional structure, Word-based spirituality and defined work for the continue existence of the Apostolate. She stressed that ACLAC must response vigorously to the challenges in the implementation and to ensure the success of achieving the goal of the six core needs of the Peninsular Church adopted in the PMPC III.

The new Committee members elected are (see picture) :
Chairman : Kevin Chung (seated 5th from right)
V-Chairman: Vincent Lim (seated 7th from right)
Secretary : Edwin Moo (seated 8th from right)
Treasurer : Lucus Tan (blue shirt, back of Kevin)

Group picture with Mandarin-speaking Fr. George Harrison who celebrated the Mass and commissioning of the new Committee.

May the Spirit guides and protects them in their new undertakings.


我参加了六月七日(星期六)早上八时至六月八日(星期日),下午三时结束的吉隆坡总教区,华文教务促进会 (ACLAC) 欢庆成立十五周年,及常年大会和理事(2008-2009)会改选。




大会选出了新届理事四位主要职员如下 (看图):

主席 :郑启明 (坐者右五)
副主席:林顺德 (坐者右七)
秘书:巫凯军 (坐者右八)
财政:陈传华 (启明后面蓝衣)




  1. 嗨, 我是清福。 第一次到来, 很有意思。 针对25-5-08刘副主教的无理言论, 我写了封英文信给予HERALD加以反驳。 更多的教友们应该要站出来反驳谬论。 要如何EMAIL 给你。 我的email:


  2. 清福,谢谢你的到访及留言。今天这个社会,很多时候,都是戴着颜色眼镜看事情。政治如此,教会也有这种情形,因为都是人性所为。

