Sunday, July 27, 2008

parents' love 父母心

My wife told me that she did not sleep well for the past many nights since our youngest daughter, Elizabeth has confirmed her 13-9-2008 flight to Aberdeen, Scotland to further her studies at the Robert Gordon University. She will be there for three years.

She is worried how well Elizabeth adjust herself to the weather in Scotland, especially during Winter months. Can she look after herself well and eat well ? can she take care of her laundries, room cleanliness ? She will be alone thousands miles away from home. She is still a little girl to the parents.

I thought I am able to cope with it better. Not so. I am not able to sleep well also. Three years is a long time. What will she be after 3 years? How is our relationship then? Will the three years overseas shapes her into a different person? What will I be then? a lot of questions and anxieties.

I pray hard that she will adapt well to the new environment and enjoy her study and stay in Scotland. May the three years campus life be a wonderful time for her to cherish.

Mother Mary, watch over her and be with her.

It is almost three in the morning and I am still awake.

To parents, a child never grow up

太太告诉我,小女儿Elizabeth 决定了 13-9-2008 出国的机票后,他就每晚都睡的不好。Elizabeth将前往苏格兰的罗伯高登大学就读三年。





现在几乎凌晨三点了,我还没有睡意 !


  1. 好放心不下噢!西满兄,女儿大了还是女“儿”,说放心是假的,还好我们都有一个在天上的妈妈,她是有求必应的,多好!!!

  2. Awong, 你是过来人,个中滋味,你也知道。还有一点,英镑现在兑换率是6.5 左右了。也是心惊胆跳 :D

  3. 高兴就好,个中滋味自己知。老兄你还有几个要出国的,哈哈!我的应该他们自己打算了。

  4. 唉!可怜天下父母心,父母永远都会牵挂子女,即使他们已长大成家,嘴巴说不必理,他们已长大!假的。
