Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dinner and a carjack 晚餐和劫车

David Chia is the founding Chairman of Mustard Seed Evangelisation Centre (MSEC). He is humorous, generous, and compassionate man. He values friendship and enjoys company of friends.

Today (Tuesday), he traveled all the way to Melaka to fetch Professor Emeritus Chen to celebrate Christmas in PJ with him. He also hosted a dinner in a restaurant at CENTERPOINT, P.J. tonight in his honour joined in by many old friends, Fr. Stephen Ng (The founding Spiritual Director of MSEC), Bro. Lawrence (current Spiritual Director of MSEC), and I were included. Fr. Stephen, Superior General of CDD, was backed in Malaysia for official business.

It was a pleasant evening with good food and good company. We enjoyed so much that decided to adjourn to Mamak shop in SS2 to continue our fellowship after the dinner.

While traveling to SS2 along LDP near KDU, Anthony Ng was flagged down by a distressed man for help. He seemed injured and disoriented. Anthony stopped to help. The man was assaulted and carjacked by three Indian men. Earlier a car bumped into the rear of his car. When he alighted from his car to inspect and talked to the driver, he was pushed back into his car by three man, robbed and assaulted by them with their fists. He was badly injured with swollen cheek and bleeding nose. The robbers drove off with his car and left behind the car they drove.(suspected to ba a stolen car)

One of the passenger friends Christina called the Police and two Police patrol cars arrived a few minutes later. However, they were not happy with the way the Police handling the case. Instead of checking on the condition of the victim, they were more interested with the car abandoned by the carjackers. The victim was bleeding and complained of difficulty in breathing, but the Police seemed in no hurry to send the victim to Hospital. They took long time to note down particulars and information from victim despite of continue pleading to send him to hospital as quickly as possible.

Anthony and his passengers joined us at the Mamak shop half an hour later. Naturally, the conversations centered on the carjack and the peculiar handling of the Police.

I came home almost midnight.


今天(星期二)他专程驾车到马六甲,去把九十高龄的陈蕾士教授接到八打灵,与他共度圣诞。他今晚也特别为他在八打灵 Centerpoint 里的一间餐馆设宴,邀请一些老朋友同相聚。黄进龙神父(芥子心创会指导神师)、黄大华修士(现任指导神师)及我是其中受邀的座上客。黄神父是主徒会总会长,他因公幹回到马来西亚。

美味的食物,老友欢谈,我们非常享受这个晚餐集会,所以决定在晚餐后,到 SS2 的玛嘛店延续欢聚。

在前往SS2的路上,途经靠近KDU 的 白蒲大道路段,瑞良见到一个男人在路傍狂急招手求助,他好像受了伤。好心的瑞良停车给予相助。原来他的车被抢了。稍早前,这位受害者的汽车后部,被一辆尾随的车撞着,他停车下来看个究竟,并和对方的司机交涉。当他下了车时,就被该车的三位印籍男人强推进车,用拳殴打,抢了钱包,并驾了他的车扬长而去,留下他们乘坐的车。这辆造案的轿车相信是偷来的。受害者当时双颊肿胀,鼻子流血。




Bouquet for the Hero - From right, Bro. Lawrence, Anthony Ng
向英雄献花 - 右起- 黄大华修士,吴瑞良

From left: David,Fr. Stephen and Paul

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