Thursday, December 11, 2008

Balik Kampong 回乡

Today is the birthday of the Sultan of Selangor. It is a holiday. Since I am not being conferred with a Datukship... or AMN....or M & M, (may be better chance in Melaka) and not to waste a day, my wife and I decided to go down Seremban to visit my elder brother and sister.

My brother was alright but elder sister was not at home. We also visited my second sister-in-law, to discuss about the reunion dinner on the coming Chinese New Year's eve. Since the death of my eldest sister-in-law three years ago, we have the reunion dinner of brothers, nephews and nieces at my second sister-in-law's house. It is very important to keep the tradition and ties alive.

We took our return journey through Nilai. We stopped by to visit Anthony who run a stationary shop at the main street. He has four children, two are working, and two in college.

Anthony and wife

He always has a smile on his face. He shared with us three important virtue in life:

(1) Give thanks - To God in everything.

(2) Give praise- Not only God but also fellow brothers and sisters. Praises warm hearts and create friendly enviorment.

(3) Forgive -It is very hard to forgive, but forgiveness set one free from the control and Shadow of sins and hatred.

Later, we have lunch at popular Restoran Jia Mei recommended by Anthony. We ordered fried "tang hoon" and "kuih teow". It was RM4.00 each, very delicious and cheaper than in Kajang (RM4.50).

After Nilai, we stopped by Semenyih to buy some famous fried Tou Fu from a Malay store.

Our journey : Kajang - Semenyih - Seremban - Labu - Nilai - Pajam - Semenyih - Kajang. (100 Kms)

今天是雪兰莪州苏丹生日,是公共假期。我没有被受封任何勋銜,拿督,AMN 或者 M & M, (可能在马六甲较有机会) 也为了不浪费一天,我和太太南下芙蓉去探访我的哥哥和姐姐。

我的哥哥健康还好,而我的姐姐却不在家。我们就到老家探访二嫂,和她谈谈即将来临的农历新年团圆饭。自从我的二嫂在三年前逝世后,除夕团圆饭就在二嫂家举行。兄弟 、 侄儿 、侄女的团聚,是非常的重要,必须连续及保持,这也是我们华人的优良传统风俗。

我们取道汝来回家,并探访了在大街开书籍及文具的乐麟( Anthony)。他有四个孩子,两位已工作,两位仍在学院就读。


1) 感恩 - 在任何事上,感谢天主。

2)赞美 - 不只赞美天主,也有常常赞美身边的兄弟姐妹。赞美的话能够温暖人心,也能够制造和谐的气氛。

3)宽恕 - 虽然是很难做到,但宽恕把一个人从罪恶及仇恨控制和阴影解放出来。

过后,我们到乐麟介绍的佳美餐馆用午餐。我们叫了炒冬粉和粿条,非常的美味和价格相宜(RM4.00),比加影的最低RM4.50 便宜好多了。


我们的路程是: 加影 - 士毛月 - 芙蓉 - 拉务 - 汝来 - 巴音 - 士毛月 - 加影。(100 Kms)

Fried Tou Fu with chili sauce

My favourate kuih-muih and Indian tidbits - Muruku, kacang......
(from Nilai)

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